i seem to have a lot of time to blog lately. haisyh.
its nearing the end of training.
my work is all done..except for the developing the application and reports.
everyone's busy with the moving and stuff.
most of the things are packed and ready to go.
was installing applications for the web os.
came across the 'prince of persia' game.
i used to call it prince back then.
game zaman dahulu kala. haha.
installed it and gave it a go.
haiy0~ karat sudah my skills.
got hooked on it for a while before resuming back to work :p
those were the days. i was hooked to these games back then...
during the DOS era (5-6 yrs old) digger was a favourite. the only game i knew back then come to think of it. haha.
windows 3.1 era - prince. this screenshot however was took while i was testing it out at work :p

windows 95 - lemmings
haha. can make a time line already. these games were very nostalgic. it became a very big part of my growing up years :D
and then came the nintendo era. nintendo nes and super nintendo. little goomba and koopa troopa. haha. priceless~ it brings back the fondest of memories. only the NES is still standing strong in didi's room. everything is still working except for the sounds. y0sh~
that was back then..but now...things have changed - drastically~ of course the consoles back then cant be compared to consoles nowadays. its like 'langit and bumi'. hehe. but that was the real mcCoy. old skool~ big and bulky yet sangat berjasa~
on a more serious note...
the oil price has hiked up drastically!! aiyayaya~ from rm1.92 to rm2.70. nearly a 50% increase. a nearly full tank of kelisa from rm50 something today would be around rm70 or 80 tomorrow. and thats only a teeny weeny kelisa. haiih.
everyone is running to fill up their tanks tonight. angah, back from KL observed all the gas stations from there to bangi. for those living in the bangi area...people queing for petronas sect 15 have reached until petronas 3 tambahan (roundabout and all :p) my my~ so long the queue~ no wonder traffic today was a bit haywire. it still is...
back then it was the beras issue. from the usual rm30 to rm40 for a bag. now its the petrol issue. and i hear that electricity is also going up. haiih. if its like this now...i wonder how it'll be like when i start to work or when i have kids later. haiihhhhh~~~
"in the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, we will understand only what we have been taught"