i know im late blogging about it.
saw the movie a couple of weeks back.
and only recently i absorbed back into the twilight mania. haiisyh.
i want all 4 books~ huhu.
its just another chic lit. yep2.. i know. i thought ive grown out of the chic lit era..of sophie kinsella's and cecilia ahern's and little black books. i tried running away from all that and tried reading more 'intense' stuff. intense la sgt kn. hehe.
ive been 'playing the field'..trying this and that..trying out new genre's and stuff. i always liked classics but most recent classical books are love stories. sometimes i get the feeling that its just another chic lit with a little bit of flair, more elegance and with grammar yg berbelit-belit. haha.
after finally letting in to the twilght mania..i had a sudden urge to buy the book yesterday to get ready for the kuantan trip. i went to mph alamanda but alas...the books were out of stock. ceh. so i guess i'll be book hunting then for the next couple of days. its been ages since i had a mission and agenda like this. last time was queing up at 'twilight' to buy harry potter's deadly hallows. haha. (lame joke i know :p *sambil r0lls eyes at self*)
which reminds me...hid..where art thou? want to join me in my conquest or have u already have ur hands on the twilight series? :p
i know im late blogging about it.
saw the movie a couple of weeks back.
and only recently i absorbed back into the twilight mania. haiisyh.
i want all 4 books~ huhu.
its just another chic lit. yep2.. i know. i thought ive grown out of the chic lit era..of sophie kinsella's and cecilia ahern's and little black books. i tried running away from all that and tried reading more 'intense' stuff. intense la sgt kn. hehe.
ive been 'playing the field'..trying this and that..trying out new genre's and stuff. i always liked classics but most recent classical books are love stories. sometimes i get the feeling that its just another chic lit with a little bit of flair, more elegance and with grammar yg berbelit-belit. haha.
ive been rambling a lot which leads me to the whole point of this entry...which is to say and admit (reluctantly :p) that im one of the twilight fans out there. haiisyh. gedik saje. i saw the movie a few weeks past and it was an ok movie..i expected it to be more but it was just another a chick me la. i thought there was more to it..more action and less talk. haha. :p was a sweet love story. greattt to watch with the girls and go gaga over how sweet edward is :p edward looks a bit like chuck bass in gossip girl kan..a bit metro :p but despite his looks..i guess all the hype there is to edward is how he acts and treats bella. sweet je. i guess most girls wants an edward in their life right? hehe.
after finally letting in to the twilght mania..i had a sudden urge to buy the book yesterday to get ready for the kuantan trip. i went to mph alamanda but alas...the books were out of stock. ceh. so i guess i'll be book hunting then for the next couple of days. its been ages since i had a mission and agenda like this. last time was queing up at 'twilight' to buy harry potter's deadly hallows. haha. (lame joke i know :p *sambil r0lls eyes at self*)
which reminds me...hid..where art thou? want to join me in my conquest or have u already have ur hands on the twilight series? :p

not much has been up since the hols. im waiting for the new year to start keje and learn the hard way to earn a living. huhu. like it or growing up eventhough deep down i still feel mude belia remaja. haiisyh. neways..ape cerite everyone? menyepi saje. huhu.
to my frens yg nk kawen this kak reen, fatimah misran and to salwa&acap...selamat pengantin baru~ :)
im off to masak nasi goreng. need to work on my cooking skills cuti2 ni just to get myself prepared. prepared for wat? jengjengjeng~ hohoho.
to my frens yg nk kawen this kak reen, fatimah misran and to salwa&acap...selamat pengantin baru~ :)
im off to masak nasi goreng. need to work on my cooking skills cuti2 ni just to get myself prepared. prepared for wat? jengjengjeng~ hohoho.
"bird in hand is worth two in the bush"