It's been so long since my last post. December 2008. Hohoh. Eclipse will even be coming out soon this summer.
I'm having a lazy Saturday afternoon (which I'm lovin' it by the way) so I thought of updating this blog. I've made some changes to the layouts. I love playing with layouts and interfaces...any job opportunities out there anywhere? Heheh :p
Well...since its been so0o0o lo0o0oonggg...soooo0o0 much have happened. So here's a recap:
I'm having a lazy Saturday afternoon (which I'm lovin' it by the way) so I thought of updating this blog. I've made some changes to the layouts. I love playing with layouts and interfaces...any job opportunities out there anywhere? Heheh :p
Well...since its been so0o0o lo0o0oonggg...soooo0o0 much have happened. So here's a recap:
- First thing's first...I'm no longer a misses...I'm a MRS now. Been married for 8 months 1 week 3 days according to this anniversary ticker down here :)

It wasn't planned and we didn't know each other for that long but by a year of getting to know each other we got married. Many people often ask how we met and all since me having met someone came out of the blue. What more deciding to get married and all :p Well, to those who didn't know. I met Hilmi for the very first time on August 31st, 2008. I was driving my sister to her friend's house for a kenduri. It turned out that my sister's friend had a brother and that brother was Hilmi. We got to know each other there and things just started to fall into place. We had some sort of chemistry going on and I was very comfortable around him. One thing led to another and on July 24th, 2009 we got married. Alhamdulillah for all the blessings~ I'd better stop before I get too mushy. Hilmi's not here and I miss him :p

- Anyway, soon after came graduation. After 4 long years of studying, I graduated. Alhamdulillah. Oh how I miss the good old studying days. Now I know that it is so0o0o true when people say that student life is the best phase of your life. Nothing to worry about but just studying. But I guess all of us have to grow up. We can't be stuck in that phase forever right?
- I'm also currently working now. Last month was my 1 year anniversary with from the company. 1 year has been ever so short come to think of it. I currently live nearby my office. It's only a 5-10 minutes drive which I love compared to the 1 jammed-packed-hour going through MRR2 from Bangi :p Having our own place is also an experience and I love playing house :)
- Oh..and last but not least..I'm currently pregnant. About 7 months. 2 more months to go InshaAllah. The Doc says its a boy :) Hopefully things will go well for the pregnancy and birth. Ameen~
Here's my baby bump. Doesn't quite look like a baby bump does it? Looks like I had too much to eat more like it :p Will try to get better pictures next time.
Well, thats that. Looks like I rambled quite a lot here. Hurm. I'm going through soo0o much with the pregnancy and all. It is indeed a life experience. I feel like I need to record things down. Heheh. Hopefully, I'll write more in my next entry. Looks like my blog will turn into a mommy baby blog. I'm growing up~ Aaaaaaaaahhh~ Yikes~ Heheh :p
"to be happy means learning to let go of expectations from yourself or from other people"