I'm feeling a bit down. Have been studying hard but it seems like there's no progress. So much to do. Aaahh~ Stressed~ It reminds me of the good old studying days. I miss those days. Studying keeps your mind alert, fresh and sharp. I think my mind is getting a wee bit rusty. Is it because of the age factor? Am I showing signs that I'm going old? Eeeekk~
Must not give up. Must keep on going Una~ Haiihh. It's tiring when I get my brains going in high gear. It's just not as before la. I just need to take a break from it all and vent out here a bit :p
It's not like I haven't done anything to stimulate my brains all these while. I guess by playing too much Scrabble and Bookworm doesn't help as much as I would have hoped...hehe :p
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My all time favourite~ |
I've also read somewhere that breastfeeding also plays a part in mom's not being as 'sharp' as before. I read that by breastfeeding, the baby takes most of the nutrients from their mothers. The baby also takes this element (I forgot what it is) that is needed to form and build the synapses in the baby's brain which is rapidly developing and growing in the first few months. That's why some breastfeeding mom's, they tend to feel forgetful and sometimes even encounter those bimbo-ish moments. I guess that and also the fact of trying to cope with the craziness of having a baby around. Huhu. But anything for the baby kan? I guess every mom wants the best for their babies. So to top it off, it's good to have that daily dose of fish oil which is filled with omega and good for brain development. I've been taking Blackmore's Omega Memo from when I started out breastfeeding. It has higher DHA compared to EPA. DHA is good for the brains whiles EPA is good for the heart (and all this while i thought it was more or less the same :p).
Besides from the Omega Memo, I've also been taking calcium supplement (because I'm lactose intolerant) and Vitamin C to make my milk more nutritious for Aqil. I'm picky when it comes to food (NOT a good trait) and need to take supplements to top up where I lack. Huhu.
I've also been trying to get Aqil to drink Scott's Emulsion to boost up his immune system but it seems that he's not too keen on taking it :( I bought the Orange Flavoured one and not the Original one pon die tak nak jugak. Aqil memang tak suke makan ubat. Everytime nak bagi Aqil his meds, nanti die muntahkan balek. There's only like 10% chance that when bagi ubat, he'll keep it down without a fuss. Macam mana eh nak bagi budak makan ubat? Huhu. I haven't tried fish oil yang liquid selalu makan yang capsules je and was quite surprised to find it delicious. Hoho. No wonder Hilmi has offered to finish up the bottle since Aqil won't take it. Sedap rupenye :p
On another note, since I have been taking Fenugreek for about a week now, Alhamdulillah my milk supply has gradually increased. Now I can pump enough milk for Aqil's nursery and even some left for the next day. I know it's not like back then when I had a freezer full of milk supply but I take what I can. Now kejap je my boobs dah full. Baru je pump a few hours back and now have to pump lagi. I can't be picky. Beggars can't be choosers~