
Sunday, January 6, 2013

A little free time

It's been a while since I last blogged. I don't have that much free time. If ade pon, I'd rather rest and sleep. Minding 2 little boys penat wo~ Huhu. Things have been ok I guess. I'm back at work. New environment. I've been busy...adapting...with work..with home..with the kids. Life has its ups and downs. Was at a point when we thought we saw a light at the end of the tunnel but then when dah reach there, ade gate rupenye and its bolted shut with a big fat padlock. Nak tak nak kene go another way to reach outside to feel the sunbeam on our skin. Cryptic much? Huhu. Anyway, nikmat and rezeki itu milik Allah. Ia dipinjamkan sahaja kepada kite. Oleh itu, always bersyukur with what you it big or small. On that note, I am thankful for dear hubby. For being there and for having what we have now. Sharing things and going through these things together makes us closer together. Love you~

On a nother note...Adil has reached 6 months. Yeayy! Cepat je dah 6 mths already. At 6 months he can:

  1. Sit up - gorilla style..sitting mcm biase, but both arms on the floor kt depan to support his weight and balance.
  2. Crawl - sometime on all 4's but bila penat crawl with the help of his tummy.
  3. Stand whenever we baring next to him (suke nak panjat-panjat orang).
  4. Roll both ways..from back to front and vice versa.
  5. He likes to blow/make sounds on people's skin ( puts his mouth on arm/leg/tummy) and blow angin/air liur.
  6. Had his first solid - but macam tak berapa nak get the hang of swallowing yet..jilat-jilat je die...bile suap..still ade food on his tongue..hehe.
  7. Likes to put everything in his mouth (toys..people's fingers), I guess he's teething..his gums dah kuat and air liur meleleh jangan nak dikata :p
  8. Dah jatuh katil a few times..letak barrier bantal pn he can bulldoze through :p

Aqil on the other hand is as talkative as ever. Dulu like to asks questions starting with "What is that..." but now its "Why is this...". Sometimes pening jugak nak jawab. Huhu. Can construct full sentences full force now. Panjang jugak leteran/cerita die sometimes. Have some pelats here and there which makes understanding what he's saying sometimes quite a puzzle and hilarious at the same time. Cheeky at amazes me how our parents makes it look so easy dulu raising us up. Huhu.

Thinking about the kids me happy. How I wish everyday is a weekend. I miss my boys..hubby included :)