yesterday 02.09.07 was bonda's bday...
happy 44th birthday mama~
its been great having a few days break like this. i wonder if i can extend it for a few more days..hurm :p
got the ECESA family day on saturday though. nk promo sikit laa since the event is quite low key and hush2 since we didnt haf that much time for the nadiah kn..hehe :p
so to all ECE students come one..come all..and join in the fun!!
~~ ECESA Family Day 2007 ~~
date: 8 september 2007, saturdaytime: 8.00am - 1.00pmvenue: male sports complex
been eating and going out a lot for the hols.
everyones home. its quite hard to spend quality time together nowadays unless if theres any public holidays or whatever. sisterly bond. i miss.
met up with the fab 5 friends. hehe. such joy la just to hang out like that. riang ria gembira. eventho we only met up occasionally and its like an annual thing..everytime it will bring back the fondest of memories :) tiqa...nk pictures~
p/s: adam..kate nk team up 2 'gemukkn nad' bt u cudnt make it pule..isyh2.
met up with the girls also yesterday at alamanda. went to alamands a few days back to back. muke alamands ke ape. haha. later at nite went for fireworks with the family and aunts and cousins. rombongan~ haha. went for the fireworks a few nites alredy and yesterday was the finale. im hooked with the new tripod. wheee :D
on a more serious note...eceh~
when x=0, f(x) = 6,
when x=2, f(x) = 5,
when x=4, f(x) = 2+1+2
felt like doing some maths pulak these hols :p
encrypted?? nope.
doesnt need any analytical thinking..those knowing..will know. true kn :(
"to be to FEEL like one"