im feeling a little bit off lately. dunno why. im having these headaches also. its been some time since my head's feeling dizzy like this. haiisyhh. and when im dizzy i cant concentrate on the screen. the eyes will feel like their rolling around in my head. and when i cant look at the screen..i cant do my work which will pile up due to procrastination and adds pounds to my stress level. haiih. im describing it terribly and am rambling at the same time. geeez~ ladi-dadi-daa~
ive changed my old skin to this one. the layout of my last one is small and its hard to fit pictures in. this one should be wide enough. haha. i couldnt sleep so ive been messing around playing with the templates. haiih.
my page is ready to post pictures. hurmmm...heres to try test...

i took this pic near my house. cool eh if u can climb up that pylon thingy :p

this one was taken some time ago. played around with it and it turned out like this :p
oooohh and btw...adah's baby..her hamster..ming ming died a few days back. died to unknown reasons. this time we assumed she died of stress because monstah always bullied her. dunno la tapi. in peace ming ming. u can teman titi in the life after. hihi :p

this is ming ming~ the belated ming ming..

these are adah's babies. and then there were two...
"an apple a day keeps the doctor away..."
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