time goes by so0o0o0 fast~
ive read through like around a gazillion pages and its already 4.
time is relative.
it is getting harder and harder to predict time as days go by. its nearing the end of days..akhir zaman.
as much as i like reading..my eyes feel like popping out~ o.O
it is also turning green.
not green with envy but green...derived from the direct translation of 'mata menghijau' haha.
i need a break. i once read the best way possible to that is by doing the exact opposite.
the acronym of reading = writing.
blogging will have to make do.
ive been reading and searching since morning, but it feels like the more i read..the less i know so i dig deeper which leads me to read more and more...
sometimes when you do research on the net you tend to deviate from your core objectives..if you have time on your hands that is (like me now :p)
because of this deviation it will take longer to get to the bottom of things.
from reading about OS'es i can click and click and click and then i'll find myself in someone's blog reading about comparing religions and stuff. haiiisyh.
my browsers are full of tabs.
my bookmarks back home are full of links and folders waiting to be read in my spare time.
its hard not to get side tracked sometimes.
it happens when you have so much time to spare :p
thats the first word of the quran.
not just reading blindly...but also to understand.
i came across a blog...your average ordinary malay girl..my age...an apostate..murtad from islam...without her parents knowing.
the things you read...its just b0b0b0..ta'aban2~
wanted to share the link here but the browser got hanged and all was lost. cant seem to retrace back my steps. i dont know how i could go from reading about OS to there :p
i just came across blake ross's blog here: www.blakeross.com
its fascinating to see whats behind the mind of the person who co-created firefox during his teens. he's only 23 btw :p

he also developed a web OS called 'parakey' which was recently bought by facebook. facebook as a new web OS? hurm. its interesting really to read about the development and stuff since all these while ive been an end user of facebook without giving a h00t out of how things actually work.
ok..enough rantings..
back to reading...
OS vs web OS
its been an interesting topic so i dont mind..not like in OS class dulu. huhu.
i thought i was done with OS'es, kernels, paging, segments, virtual memory and stuff.
one of my least fave subjects..haiisyh~
some more background reading and then i can start building the widgets.
dr abur@s must be proud..haha :D
ive read through like around a gazillion pages and its already 4.
time is relative.
it is getting harder and harder to predict time as days go by. its nearing the end of days..akhir zaman.
as much as i like reading..my eyes feel like popping out~ o.O
it is also turning green.
not green with envy but green...derived from the direct translation of 'mata menghijau' haha.
i need a break. i once read the best way possible to that is by doing the exact opposite.
the acronym of reading = writing.
blogging will have to make do.
ive been reading and searching since morning, but it feels like the more i read..the less i know so i dig deeper which leads me to read more and more...
sometimes when you do research on the net you tend to deviate from your core objectives..if you have time on your hands that is (like me now :p)
because of this deviation it will take longer to get to the bottom of things.
from reading about OS'es i can click and click and click and then i'll find myself in someone's blog reading about comparing religions and stuff. haiiisyh.
my browsers are full of tabs.
my bookmarks back home are full of links and folders waiting to be read in my spare time.
its hard not to get side tracked sometimes.
it happens when you have so much time to spare :p
thats the first word of the quran.
not just reading blindly...but also to understand.
i came across a blog...your average ordinary malay girl..my age...an apostate..murtad from islam...without her parents knowing.
the things you read...its just b0b0b0..ta'aban2~
wanted to share the link here but the browser got hanged and all was lost. cant seem to retrace back my steps. i dont know how i could go from reading about OS to there :p
i just came across blake ross's blog here: www.blakeross.com
its fascinating to see whats behind the mind of the person who co-created firefox during his teens. he's only 23 btw :p
blake ross

he also developed a web OS called 'parakey' which was recently bought by facebook. facebook as a new web OS? hurm. its interesting really to read about the development and stuff since all these while ive been an end user of facebook without giving a h00t out of how things actually work.
ok..enough rantings..
back to reading...
OS vs web OS
its been an interesting topic so i dont mind..not like in OS class dulu. huhu.
i thought i was done with OS'es, kernels, paging, segments, virtual memory and stuff.
one of my least fave subjects..haiisyh~
some more background reading and then i can start building the widgets.
dr abur@s must be proud..haha :D
"reading is to mind as what exercise is to body"
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