this might be a tad bit late but this entry is specially dedicated to nadira jamil...congratulations dear~ :)

sahabat terchenta..
peneman setia..
semoga u berjaya mengejar cita-cita~~~
(had to make it cheesy in order for it to rhyme :p)
and heres a cheesy picture to go with it..hehe ;p
sorry for the lack of updates. this blog here has been abandoned for ages. huhu. been writing elsewhere and sometimes the anonymity is comforting :p
fyp is indeed a pain in the buns. stress, mood swings and disturbing sleeping habits. all after effects of spending 5 hours a day working on the system, no? :p ke'nerd'an terserlah~~ all these urgency to make my supervisor proud. lol ;p it only needs a little bit of patience~
its the first day of ramadhan. entering this month...opportunities to upgrade ourselves sprout out everywhere. the chance lies on us...whether to grab it or just let it slip by. it is the perfect time for reflection and reminding ourselves with all that we are blessed and to those less fortunate. patience...peace..serenity...goes a long way and does wonders to the heart and soul. heres wishing a great ramadhan to all!!~ ramadhan mubarak~
fyp is indeed a pain in the buns. stress, mood swings and disturbing sleeping habits. all after effects of spending 5 hours a day working on the system, no? :p ke'nerd'an terserlah~~ all these urgency to make my supervisor proud. lol ;p it only needs a little bit of patience~
its the first day of ramadhan. entering this month...opportunities to upgrade ourselves sprout out everywhere. the chance lies on us...whether to grab it or just let it slip by. it is the perfect time for reflection and reminding ourselves with all that we are blessed and to those less fortunate. patience...peace..serenity...goes a long way and does wonders to the heart and soul. heres wishing a great ramadhan to all!!~ ramadhan mubarak~
"happy 51st birthday to Malaysia!!~ older n wiser? ;p selamat merdeka!"
i keep reading this post over and over again but never did leave anything. it has been 3 years and i could still feel the tears. thank you very much for this special post on my graduation. danke *hugs* i do not wish to turn back time because it was torturing (study = torture ye!:p) but somehow i miss the times we used to have; latenight movie to buka puasa at fish & co. sampai high because of the bottomless drink, enjoying yong tau foo while u watched friends. i dearly miss all those.
and i miss u.
u baru comment ye..i baru bace ni. hehe. awww..ur comment makes me sad laa. i pn miss the good old times we used to have. pegi kelas..balek kelas..hanging out kt bilik..tgk cerite2 yg didownload..cari food..keluar mkn..keluar buat bende lain :p oh my~ it was fun having u as a partner in crime. i miss all those tooo..and what more i miss u tooo~ huhu.
I rase kite mcm makin tua je sbb cam masing2 pun lambat bg response. Ni dah sebulan br i terhegeh2 nak bace. Dulu cekap je kalau check2 email & sgt up-to-date kan! Huhu.
Btw kalau ade button LIKE kt sini, i dah LIKE satu juta kali kt comment u!! No one can ever replace u beb~ :(
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