
Saturday, August 1, 2020


People come.

People go.

No one really disappears from your life.

People never really leave.

Its just that their roles change.

Life changes.

Things changes.

I don’t like changes.

But indeed change is inevitable.

Be thankful that somehow your paths crossed.

And that they somehow made you happy.

The smiles.

The laughs.

The memories.

Even if it was only for a short while.

It’ll take a bit of time.

But you’ll get through this.

You’ve been through far much worse.

Because in the end, its only the memories that remain.

Sometimes kan, it amazes me that when epiphany strikes, suddenly you can see clearly as bright as day. 

All these while your judgement was clouded by thick fog.


Baru sekarang nak celik. Huhu.

Oh well, as they say better late than never.

1st of August today.

August please be kind.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

What you think, you become

I cannot sleep yet again. Have been tossing and turning for a while. Finally I give up.

Sometimes, when all is dark quiet, your mind will have this clarity. Macam-macam benda nak fikir. But dah malam ni lah otak dah penat nak fikir.

Sometimes, you can't help but wonder that do other people feel the same way as you do. Going through what you're going through. I bet ada kan. Out of Earth's many population there is bound yang have the same thoughts/feelings as you. Emptiness. The feeling comes and goes. Some days can go by without you having the slightest thought of it. Other days, the thought creeps up like its your forever best friend.

A friend told me to write when I feel down. It'll help me to refocus on myself katanya. Ok..I will cuba and see how that theory goes. Dia juga suruh I make a list of all the things that I'm grateful for. I know you mean well. But everytime when I fikir of all that I am blessed with lagi I rasa depressed with myself. Like you have all those things to be thankful for yet you still feel empty inside. How can that be. Ramai lagi yang underprivileged and have harder times if compared to you. Rasa macam ungratefulnya diri ini. Huhuhu.

I don't like when this feeling datang menyinggah. Feels icky. Yucks! The first step to self healing is acknowledging that you have a problem. Ok. My friend says its signs of depression. Hurm. Ye ke? I don't think so. Second step. Denial. Lol.

Lately I don't feel like myself. Outside you portray lain but deep inside you rasa lain. I miss my old self. The one where she is focused and knows what she wants in life. Full of zest. Entah mana dia pergi. Along the way she got lost. And never managed to find her way back home. Am I having an early mid life crisis?

Life is indeed short. Rasanya ada masa ke nak melayan perasaan macam ni. Huhu. There are so many other things to do yet why do you need to focus on things so trivial. I wish it could go away. Sometimes I feel so penat. But who am I kidding, you can't just ignore it and lie to yourself. But I shall try. Oklah, enough rambling already. This post takde arah tujuan. Hope this feeling shall pass sooon~

Will try doing that grateful list juga. Mana tau it'll work wonders on my mind. The mind is indeed a wonderful thing kan, a powerful force. It can enslave you, or it can empower you. It can bring you to the depths of misery or it can take you to the height of ecstasy. Kena use the power wisely. As they say, what you think, you become. Oleh itu, marilah kita cuba fikir yang positive and baik-baik sahaja. Yeay, rasa macam dah ngantuk a bit. Till later. Toodles~

Happy brain.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Hello 2020

It has been a while.
4 years since I last wrote.
Bersawang dah blog ni. Huhu.
Well a lot has been going on since.
It's the year 2020 now people. Wawasan 2020. No flying cars yet.
We're in the month of April now.
4 years into the year and the world is in mayhem.
All because of the corona virus. Covid-19 has taken the world by storm.
A global pandemic. Will definitely change history and the new normal will take place.
Currently Malaysia and most of the world is in lockdown/quarantined/restricted movement.
Everyone is confined and is staying at home. Today is Day 37 of the movement control order (MCO) for Malaysia.
I've been working from home ever since. Things are quite good I must say, I enjoy working from home, well for now.
An update for myself and putting it in writing for me to read back 30 years down the line when I'm old and cripply. Lol.

Today is the 1st day of Ramadhan too. We are all welcoming Ramadhan in a different way this year.
By all staying at home. No taraweehs at the masjid. No going out for iftars. I'll definitely miss the night visits to the mosque. Rasa tenang je. Hopefully can still rasa tenang when at home. May we make the most out of this Ramadhan at home.

Tonight rasa sayu a bit. I don't know why. I've been feeling a bit off for the last couple of days. I find it hard to sleep for a while now. Hence I am blogging in the wee hours of the morning. Hopefully this funky feeling will leave soon.

I don't know why but when I'm feeling down I tend to write. My coping mechanism perhaps. Tu nampak my blog ni kinda depressing je. Hahaha. When I'm happy takde rasa pulak nak menulis. Anyways, its been good to get to blab for a little bit.

Hope the world recovers soon from Covid-19. May we all be protected. Ameen.

Till then, maybe I'll see you in another 4 years time dear blog of mine. Ahaks.

Much love,

It's been a while since tak dapat nak tengok moon :(