i havent updated for some time. we are in the final third part of ramadhan. its alredy october. a few more days till raye. a few more days to find lailatulqadar. a few more months till the end of the year.
its been a hectic week. a bz month. a tiring sem. haiiisyh. i just cant wait for this sem to be over and done with. my god..its by far the strainest sem ever. its a sucky sem. i am not my own self. i hate this feeling. having no control. no power. i can even feel me frowning ever so often. so to those around me..im sorry for not being the usual me. im sory for not being there when i shud be. im sory for not acting like u expect me to be. im sory if i terguris anyone's hati. im just..tired...tired of this all. im sory. i guess..its just one of those phases.
things are happening back to back. things expected from me. things that needs to be done. its like someone pulling my arm one way and the other the opposite way. ppl wanting u to this..to do that. everyone wants a piece of u and u try hard to please evrybody..but u know u cant. sometimes everythings is all just too serabut..all in a mess..till u dont know how to prioritize and organize anymore. i feel numb.
its not like im the only one with the problem. im sure many feels the same way too. this is just a minor setback. one of lifes many challenges i hafta face. to compare with others..other major problems that people face, war..famine n stuff..mine is so itsy bitsy teeny weeny..soooo minute. i hafta be grateful. just suck it in la una. y0sh~!!
sumtimes it helps to take ur mind off things. (like anticipating new episodes of PB n heroes everyweek. haha. thats always a rush) but the reality is always there..bugging u in the corners of ur mind even if u try to push it away to remote places in ur brain. u cant run away from it. i guess..u just hafta face it smack hard square in the face and get it over and done with quickly. haiisyh2.
its been a hectic week. a bz month. a tiring sem. haiiisyh. i just cant wait for this sem to be over and done with. my god..its by far the strainest sem ever. its a sucky sem. i am not my own self. i hate this feeling. having no control. no power. i can even feel me frowning ever so often. so to those around me..im sorry for not being the usual me. im sory for not being there when i shud be. im sory for not acting like u expect me to be. im sory if i terguris anyone's hati. im just..tired...tired of this all. im sory. i guess..its just one of those phases.
things are happening back to back. things expected from me. things that needs to be done. its like someone pulling my arm one way and the other the opposite way. ppl wanting u to this..to do that. everyone wants a piece of u and u try hard to please evrybody..but u know u cant. sometimes everythings is all just too serabut..all in a mess..till u dont know how to prioritize and organize anymore. i feel numb.
its not like im the only one with the problem. im sure many feels the same way too. this is just a minor setback. one of lifes many challenges i hafta face. to compare with others..other major problems that people face, war..famine n stuff..mine is so itsy bitsy teeny weeny..soooo minute. i hafta be grateful. just suck it in la una. y0sh~!!
sumtimes it helps to take ur mind off things. (like anticipating new episodes of PB n heroes everyweek. haha. thats always a rush) but the reality is always there..bugging u in the corners of ur mind even if u try to push it away to remote places in ur brain. u cant run away from it. i guess..u just hafta face it smack hard square in the face and get it over and done with quickly. haiisyh2.
of time outs...

ooohh..n watch this vid down there...how they visualize it..coolness~
hehe. its in arabic. xfaham die mengumpat about ape. but..takut x?? its like literally eating the flesh of ur own blood when u backbite or talk bad about others. or as dr abdi wud say..bobobo..ta'ban makhluka..no?? hehe. this is as a reminder to all~ i know its hard to totally avoid the matter at hand. even if we dont contribute in the act..but by listening and adding and saying stuff its also actually a similar form 0f backbiting. so..say no to mengumpats. :p
ooh..its a long one. better stop. i haf my CE final xm this monday...DS on tuesday and SE after raya. y0sh y0sh y0sh~
ooh..its a long one. better stop. i haf my CE final xm this monday...DS on tuesday and SE after raya. y0sh y0sh y0sh~
"when the world pushes u down to ur knees..u r in the perfect position to pray"-hassan al-basri
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