SELAMAT HARI RAYA to everyone!!!!
a bit late..i know..but eid is celebrated the whole month no? :p
went balek kampungs for a few days..johor first and then melaka.
this year's raya doesnt feel like the usual raya :(
i guess since theres still projects and presentations and midterms right after raya so thats why la kot. the mood for raya is just so-and-so~ i had to be MIA for a while :p
got SE and EOP and DSP to hand in on thursday. then can breathe a bit before SE midterm II on monday. y0sh y0sh~ finals not yet in my mind. in la juge at the 'belakang'est part of the brain. haha. kene y0sh nnt~
it sure wud be great to be able to celebrate raya like when we used to back then kn? when we were small...when running around playing around and getting in the way of the adults was our only priority. haha. oh memories~ :)
haf a great and fun month of raya everyone :)
a bit late..i know..but eid is celebrated the whole month no? :p
went balek kampungs for a few days..johor first and then melaka.
this year's raya doesnt feel like the usual raya :(
i guess since theres still projects and presentations and midterms right after raya so thats why la kot. the mood for raya is just so-and-so~ i had to be MIA for a while :p
got SE and EOP and DSP to hand in on thursday. then can breathe a bit before SE midterm II on monday. y0sh y0sh~ finals not yet in my mind. in la juge at the 'belakang'est part of the brain. haha. kene y0sh nnt~
it sure wud be great to be able to celebrate raya like when we used to back then kn? when we were small...when running around playing around and getting in the way of the adults was our only priority. haha. oh memories~ :)
haf a great and fun month of raya everyone :)
"coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success"
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