last paper to go~
must study...
one of my favourite subjects...
should be reading this...
must study...
one of my favourite subjects...
should be reading this...

am not...haiisyh.
eventho theres a week's gap...i will only start studying a couple of days prior. very bad una. i know shud start as early as possible...buttt.......huhu :(
so starting frm tomorow..ishud MUST start ok? (ok ok~) prep-talking myself. y0sh~
its an interesting subject so i shud be easily engrossed..its just hard to START thats all. cudnt ignite. something wrong with the spark plugs. haha. dhla im taking this class with kakak2 and abang2 seniors...and diorg sume mcm hebat2 malu la kn if kite x hebat. i guess..thats one of the advantages masuk class diorg :p plus we'll be treated as adik2 yg sgt je..hehe.
a few more days till monday and im spending my time watching the latest downloads. haiih. xpe..dh nk habes tgk sume dh so can get a move on and stdy :p
cuti is nearly coming. w00t w00t~
wats the plan wahai rakan2??
cuti2 malaysia ke jb and melaka ye? bbq juge? haiyaa binaa~
the h0lidays sgt sekejap tp..haiih. i'll be going to start my cuti with the langkawi trip. yeayy~
am not...haiisyh.
eventho theres a week's gap...i will only start studying a couple of days prior. very bad una. i know shud start as early as possible...buttt.......huhu :(
so starting frm tomorow..i
its an interesting subject so i shud be easily engrossed..its just hard to START thats all. cudnt ignite. something wrong with the spark plugs. haha. dhla im taking this class with kakak2 and abang2 seniors...and diorg sume mcm hebat2 malu la kn if kite x hebat. i guess..thats one of the advantages masuk class diorg :p plus we'll be treated as adik2 yg sgt je..hehe.
a few more days till monday and im spending my time watching the latest downloads. haiih. xpe..dh nk habes tgk sume dh so can get a move on and stdy :p
cuti is nearly coming. w00t w00t~
wats the plan wahai rakan2??
cuti2 malaysia ke jb and melaka ye? bbq juge? haiyaa binaa~
the h0lidays sgt sekejap tp..haiih. i'll be going to start my cuti with the langkawi trip. yeayy~
"dont cry over spilt milk"
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