Exams just kicked in.
2 down..2 more to go..yeayyyy~
2 more papers with a week's gap each. w00t w00t~
Def. Exams
= When ure sleeping pattern goes haywire.
During the past years...i found out that i absorb best when i study at nite.
That is..i hafta sleep well prior la tp :p baru can stay up..if not..byebyebye~
Me..being a nocturnal..it irritates my mom as much.
Yelaa..late to bed..late to rise :p
But the same goes during the h0ls also. haiisyh2.
I slept all day the whole of yesterday. Feels like i was on holiday :p
Woke up a bit...stayed in bed...curled up with a good book.
Then dozed off back again.
Feels good to be doing nothing.
Well..i managed to finish the book though.
Beats me why i cant read my buku-buku pelajaran like that.
Haaaiisyh..kalau x..kn senang.
If theres a will..theres a way rite...y0sh~
Neways...after much much much delay... im finally doing this tagging thingy. Yeayy~
Last time i did this tagging game there were only 6 facts to be done...but now after a couple of months later its gotten to 8. Iterative.
So this entry here is dedicated especially to Khair, Adam, Basy and Aishah who got me tagged... :)
The Rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve tagged, and to read your blog.
1 Uno:
seeing something luas terbentang soothes me..be it the vast blue sky..sawah padi yang menghijau..the sandy white beaches..overflowing green hilltops..or even quilt yg terbentang luas di atas katil :p
2 Dos:
i am the eldest..but at times..i wish i was the youngest..haha.
3 Tres:
i broke my right wrist when i was small..by skipping on the pavement just after it stopped raining and slipped. i was wearing them shiny..heely..kinda makcik-for-an-eight-year-old shoes with licin soles. gedik. i know. i was 8. it still hurt sumtimes though..like now..especially when typing..sesal dahulu pendapatan..sesal kemudian tidak bergune. haiisyh.
4 Cuatro:
referring to the last sentence above, people say that im philosophical in my kate2. haha..so not~ sometimes..certain words or phrases just fascinates me so i use and apply them whenever appropriate.
5 Cinco:
i like eating s0ggy things..especially s0ggy chips, pears, jambus and soggy cereal. i'll leave the cereal for a while to soak in the milk only then i munch away. i dont like it t00 soggy though. it must haf the rite amount of sogginess.
6 Seis:
i will buy the same exact thing if i like it s0o0o much. i dun mind having a few pairs of the exact same thing. i'll haf backup ready whenever it gets t00 worn out. okla tu..since i always tend to wear out the things i like most.
7 Seite:
people say im hard to read. eyh?? i think i can be quite transparent at times. sometimes im sooo transparent...its even embarassing.
8 Ocho:
i love the sun..the heat..not so much. mild-mild one oklaa. with a little breeze. perfect. bright sunny days always puts me in a good cheery mood :)
So there~
8 random facts :)
I hope that I counted in Spanish rite. Adah taught me how to count up til 10. She learnt from watching Dora the Explorer. Muy Bien~~

owh...and these are the 8 people that im tagging....
1. nad jh
2. faiza faiz
3. fad karim
4. shaela ali
5. hid chamhuri
6. nesh neshi
7. diha khairuddin
8. kma azlan
hehe. its been some time since i havent heard from some :p so there...sile la buat ye wahai kawan2~ :)
im off to catch my Z's...
i can sleep up til 11. thats wen the electricity will be off according to the notice from TNB. they're puting up the cables for the pylons. fascinating~
x best la tp..no electricity till ptg. so where to run to ye? hurmm~
wats best eh..hurmm..
nk tgk resident evil..tp mcm takut..
mayb ill watch the one that red wrote in his blog..
haiisyh..shud be studying ds...