Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
38 weeks and MRI scan
I have been regularly updating my blog on my pregnancy almost every week now. Nampak sangat takde kerje. Huhu. Anyway..went for weekly checkup with Dr Ariza and jengjengjeng...the baby is now 3.8kg. Besar woo!~ Since I've been trying to go for normal delivery, doctor advised me to be induced since I don't have the signs for labour yet takot the baby will get biggie by the day. Ooohh...takot ok. Kesakitan mase kene induce dulu terngiang-ngiang di kepale. Huhu. Anyway, before that doctor suruh buat MRI for pelvic scan to see if my pelvic bone is suitable to have vaginal birth after caesarian (VBAC).
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MRI scanner machine @ tunnel machine thingy |
My first experience buat MRI scan. I was a bit nervous. I always see in movies where claustrophobic people takot nak kne buat MRI scan kene masuk keluar balek and redo the scan. I consider myself as quite berani la jugak (ehem :p) in matters like these. Alhamdulillah I don't have a fear for heights or confined spaces..but horror movies ke or when it comes to hantu-hantus....I lemah sikit. Huhu. first I thought as they were only going to scan the pelvic area...I don't need to masuk yang machine macam tunnel tu. I saw on TV that there's also another machine yang macam donut...only a ring do scans and stuff. I thought I was going to have that one done on me. But tettt..wrong. I get to go into the tunnel machine thingy. Bile cerita kat Angah baru tau yang the donut machine tu CT scan rupenye. Hohoh. MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging and is apparently not harmful for the baby. Nak tau difference between MRI and CT please click here. I just browsed je bace sikit..malas nak amek tau sangat :p
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CT scan @ donut machine |
Mase nak masuk to I have to tanggal all metal and stuff. Naseb baek I don't have any metal pieces on my clothing. So then I had to lie down as in baring terlantar. Being heavily pregnant ni, dah lame I tak baring macam tu on my back. Sakit belakang la kan. I asked the nurse/attendant will it take long and she said around 30min and that I cannot gerak-gerak sangat. If possible limit my movements la while in there or else nanti cannot get good image. Dalam hati..."30mins? Lamenyee~ Boleh ke tak gerak-gerak? Dengan saket belakangnye lagi nanti. Habeslaaa~" Anyway, she was nice and help propped some pillows for my back because she saw I was not comfortable. Later, she pasangkan headphones and even asked which radio station I wanted to listen to because she said the machine will be kind of noisy. I said FlyFM and even asked her if I could sleep or not in there. She said if I sleep all the better. Haha.
So then the stretcher/bed thingy pon started to gerak-gerak masuk dalam tunnel tu. I was bracing myself for 30mins of uncomfortableness. Once my whole body dah masuk inside the tunnel thingy tu...startla bunyi-bunyi bising...tet tet..tung tung...dong dong..beep beep..and segala macam la bunyi. I couldn't get to quite hear the radio over that noise. So there I was, staring at the (tunnel) ceiling takot if suddenly I become claustrophobic ke apa and tengah fikir kalau nak keluar macam mana..the attendant tadi takde bagi panic button to press if I wanted to get out. Huhu. I forgot to ask tadi. I let my thoughts drift and was just trying to get myself to close my eyes and maybe take a nap when suddenly the stretcher/bed tu pon started to move keluar. Dalam hati..I was like "Alamak...tergerak banyak ke tadi? Rase tak sampai 5mins pon." When I saw the attendant she said "All done." I told her "Eh..done already? I thought you said 30mins. But 5mins pon tak sampai kan?" And then she said "15seconds je sebenanye nak mapping image." And I was like laaa...buat penat je nak cuak-cuak tadi nak brace myself for 30mins staying motionless. Haha.
So that was my MRI experience. A bit jakun la jugak. The results: my pelvic is OK. Cukup luas. Can go for normal delivery. My next appointment is next Monday. Let's see how it goes. If baby OK and tak besar sangat..I'll be induced by next week. If baby is big..have to go for elective c-section. next dah pon keluar..maybe by Tues or Wed. At the back of my mind I was secretly kind of hoping that I would have to go for caesar because pelvic tak compatible ke ape. Takot nak rase saket but at the same time ade hati try deliver normal. Huhu. But Allah knows best. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan bersalin. Ameen~
Harga MRI scan (pelvic) at Ampang Puteri costs RM200. I thought it would be quite pricey since I heard from my mom, her friend buat ranging from RM400-RM800 kat tempat lain. Alhamdulillah tak mahal sangat. Dahla semua kena bayar sendiri. Huhu. Thought I would like to share this experience with anyone yang google about MRI scan because I know I have and I didn't find much info. Please excuse the terms used here...aka..donut machine and tunnel machine thingy...I'm not a medic student :p Any doctors..person with medical background sure gelak bace entry ni kan? Huuhuu~
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
How I Met Your Father (Part 3)
continued .....
As this was my first relationship ever, he was very patient with me. Bila I merajuk he pujuk. When I expect something from him but die macam buat tak tau je and then I got upset he would calm me down. To think back balek, kelakar je. I have no prior relationship experience what so ever so of coursela I don't what to expect from all of this relationship thingy. Everyone was a bit surprised because I yang tak pernah couple-couple ada boyfriend ni tiba-tiba dah nak kawen dah. I was a bit afraid at first, tak tau if I made the right choice or not by thinking of marriage. I mean's a BIG step ok. But Alhamdulillah, with lots of doa Allah has made me see clearer to choose the path that I chose back then.
After I sent him the email, it took quite a while for him to get back to me. It was Ramadhan by then, and from there things just started to roll in motion. I was still studying. It was my final semester. We started getting to know each other. It was quite low key. Not many knew about what was going on. Faiz knew of course because she was my roommate back in college. I finished uni in November and then started my first job that month. By early 2009 we decided to get married. There was like kind of a merisik ceromony and it was decided that we would tie the knot in July as Angah and Dalila would be back for their summer hols.
All in all, it took me for about a few months only for me to decide that he was the one that was going to be my husband. I was intrigued by his thoughts, his humour, his background and personality that made me consider marriage. It was not all a lovey dovey affair as we have had our disputes back then (and still now :p). There are some things that I don't quite fancy about him but hey..who is perfect right. We all have our flaws. Alhamdulillah, the good things about him overshadows his flaws. I also love the way how he made (and still makes) me feel :P
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Love you H~ |
Although we still argue and have our differences...I love you H. Although your flaws sometimes irk me ever so much, sometimes I see that we complement each other in ways that I never thought would work. Indeed Allah has His ways and indeed jodoh itu is in His hands. Who are we to know our jodoh. Alhamdulillah for giving me the perfect husband if not perfect but perfect for me. May our marriage stay strong and lasts till jannah with all the trials and tribulations that have been surrounding us lately InshaAllah. Love you H~
So that kids, is how I met your father. :)
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Gambar mude-mudi mase honeymoon :p |
So that kids, is how I met your father. :)
--- THE END ---
How I Met Your Father (Part 2)
They had a canopy outside their front yard and invited us to sit down and eat. As it was the second house, we arrived quite late and there were not much guests around. Everything pon macam dah nak kemas-kemas. We got acquainted with Dalila's mom and had small talk for a while. It seemed that my name is the same as Dalila's first sister plus we went to the same uni together. Of course she has graduated by then but then it turns out that all of her family went to UIA. Anyway, as we were talking all of a sudden along came this tall guy who apparently was Dalila's brother. He wore a black shirt and smiled a lot. Quite smart I must say. He came bringing the plates. He invited us to eat and from what I remembered most was he introduced himself using his full in Ahmad Zulhilmi bin Assanah. Haha. A bit skema as I never met anyone who introduced himself using his fullname like that. Anyway..that was that...only a brief encounter. We got back to eating and my sister and friends got talking as I listened in.
At this time, people were already gathering inside the house to baca Yassin and we were like the only few ones outside. I did a quick sweep and saw the brother inside the house too. Haha. Anyway, after they finished we also excused ourselves. Salam-salam sikit dengan semua orang..tengok baby sikit and then walked back to the car. Dalila walked us to the car and then the brother came along. Die pon nak babai-babai rupenye. Before we got in the car, he asked for my number. Apekah? I don't know how people get people's phone numbers but so direct macam ni ke? Macam kind of sleazy pon ade jugak. So I pon tak layan and tak bagi but he wouldn't give up. Angah and her friends dah pandang-pandang semacam. Eeeee~ So because I wouldn't give him my number he gave me his business card. So I pon took it and just wanted to speed off quickly as I can. So that was that. In the car Angah dah gelak-gelak dah and I was like..."Eeee u ni. Manela I nak bagi number I kat siape-siape macamtu je." Huhu. So then we sent Angah's friend back to Subang and then went back home.
That night...jengjengjeng...I kept on playing the scene petang tadi inside my head. Macam I tak boleh nak get it out of my head. Dalam hati macam nak bagi je number tapi takkanla nak bagi je macamtu. So while I was rolling around in bed with the laptop in front of me sambil belek-belek his biz card after relating the whole ordeal to Faiz I decided that I would email him. Haha. That was the time that I felt something that was indescribable. Something at the back of my mind that made me want to act because by not doing anything I would know that I would regret it. Like a "Now or Never" feeling you know. Seriously. Why I felt like that pon I don't know. Maybe ini lah yang dikatakan jodoh :p
So anyway, I sent him an email. Reading back the email rasa macam entah apa-apa je. Haha. Here's the attachment where I attached him my so-called-biz-card. Lame I know. Huhu.
To be continued.....
Monday, June 18, 2012
How I Met Your Father (Part 1)
*this is a 3 part mini-series on How I Met Your Father*
Kids (soon to be kidS...right now..I only technically have 1 kid :p)....this is a story of how I met your father. It's in the wee hours of the morning and I feel mushy. was the month of August 2008.
It was nearing Ramadhan and people everywhere were doing kenduri doa selamat to welcome the holy month. Your aunty, Mak Ngah was also preparing to leave for her studies in UK the following month. At that time, her friends were also busy doing kenduri doa selamat's and farewells before they left for their studies. Being the awesome sister that I am, I was appointed to be her driver for the day to get her to her friends houses here and there for their kenduris and farewells and whatnots.
It was a Sunday morning, 31st August 2008 to be exact. Our country was also celebrating Hari Merdeka on that day. I was home for the weekend from college. The first stop that morning was to pick up a few of her friends at Stesen Komuter UKM.
You see kids, back then (during my schooldays) the komuter was our mode of transportation. It was the coolest thing back then. Travelling by komuter on your own (without parents) to KL or Midvalley or Mines were considered cool back then. It made you feel grown up. Anyway, we fetched a few of her friends and then headed to the first house in Sungai Merab. I forgot her friends name (dulu ingat but now dah lupe). After dropping them off, I headed to Alamanda to pass the time while waiting for your Mak Ngah.
After they were done, your Aunt called me to pick her up. Some of her friends stayed at Friend No 1's house while some were sent back to the commuter station. So there we were, only 3 person in the car. Your Aunt, her friend Ili and me. The next house they were going to was in Sungai Buloh. Since Ili lives in Subang Jaya, it was decided we will send her after they got back from the 2nd house. I thought I would go to OU after sending them off because it was nearby.
So off we went to the 2nd house. Next destination Sg Buloh. Unfortunately, for those of you who knows Sg Buloh, it is quite big and stretches from 1 end to the other. I thought the house that we were going to was Sg Buoh near to Damansara part, but it seemed that the one we we're going to was more near to the Kuala Selangor part, near Penjara Sg Buloh to be exact. Oh man..there goes my intention to go to OU. Anyway, after asking directions from Mak Ngah's friend's dad and sister we arrived at Desa Moccis via Guthrie Highway. Sg Buloh ni dekat hujung dunia. Huhu. So I thought that I would wait in the car while they went to the kenduri. I figured it wouldn't take that long.
So your Mak Ngah's friend Dalila came to our car to usher them in. I told your Aunt that I'd wait in the car but her friend Dalila insisted I come inside. As I ni pemalu orangnye..I declined her politely. Malu kot nak masuk and join. Besides I wasn't wearing proper kenduri clothes. I was told that the kenduri was for Dalila's farewell cum her dad's and sister's birthday cum her niece's (newborn) doa selamat. Huhu. Later, Dalila's dad came to the car and insisted me to come inside. Dah orang besar yang ajak, so I pon reluctantly got out of the car and followed them.
So your Mak Ngah's friend Dalila came to our car to usher them in. I told your Aunt that I'd wait in the car but her friend Dalila insisted I come inside. As I ni pemalu orangnye..I declined her politely. Malu kot nak masuk and join. Besides I wasn't wearing proper kenduri clothes. I was told that the kenduri was for Dalila's farewell cum her dad's and sister's birthday cum her niece's (newborn) doa selamat. Huhu. Later, Dalila's dad came to the car and insisted me to come inside. Dah orang besar yang ajak, so I pon reluctantly got out of the car and followed them.
To be continued ......
Thursday, June 14, 2012
37 weeks
Being a night owl nowadays see me blogging more and more. Malam-malam sorang-sorang tak tau nak buat ape..huhu.
Last week I was supposed to have my 36 weeks checkup with Dr Ariza but the hospital called to postpone to this week instead because the doctor had something going on. So this week I'm in my 37 weeks. Doc said the babys' head is already engaged. She asked if I had any contractions and I said nope. The most intense contractions that I had was the week when I got back from Kuching but now nada, zilch, zero. Maybe a bit of tummy mengeras here and there but I didn't acknowledge it as contractions as it was too mild.
Baby's estimated weight is now 3.5kg, doc says quite big for 37 weeks. Will have to come in next week to reassess and see if baby is getting bigger or not. As I had a previous c-sect, doc doesn't want me to push too hard if the baby's big. Will put a lot of pressure on the incision nanti. Max can go for normal delivery is 3.8kg. Huhu. Hope baby won't be too big...or else cut-cut la lagi. Sooo wanting for a normal delivery right now. Just have to make lots of doa. Allah knows best. Tengah a bit cuak thinking about delivery and stuff. Been googling a lot on other people's birth stories and experiences. Huhuhu.
Aqil on the other hand is slightly feverish. He also has some red rashes on his face. I'm a bit worried if it's chicken pox or denggi ke ape. But Alhamdulillah I don't see it anywhere else on his body. Just his face. Maybe rashes because of the heat kot. Anyway, it's been 2 days die macam ada temperature..been giving him paracetamol at nursery. At night dah takdela panas sangat..only a bit warm je. Tonight pon nampak macam dah tak panas badan. Hope Aqil will soon be fine inshaAllah. It will be quite a handful if Aqil gets sick right now on top of my anxiety to deliver lagi. Not a good combo.
Aqil (Oct 2011) @Molly Fantasyland. His favourite place EVER!! :p |
Been watching Aqil sleeping soundly. Every kid/baby I guess muke tenang je mase tido...innocent. So peaceful kan the face? Rase rindu pulak dekat die even though I'm staring at him. Lagi tengok die lagi rase rindu. Cepat je die besar...dah nak jadi abang dah. Baju pon kene beli size for 3-4 years old. Padahal baru je 2 years. Nak cakap die big built rase macam takdela big sangat. It's been quite a while that I haven't brought him to see his paed. I also have 1 shot of immunization not yet taken...supposed to take it mase 1 and a half years haritu but have been putting it off. Ooooppss. Should make some time to bring him nanti. Don't know of his updates...whether die cukup zat and whatnot. Dulu doc cakap muka die pucat which means die kurang iron and have been given iron supplements. Die makan nak tak nak so lame-lame simpan dalam fridge je. Me and H on the other hand perasaan that he was fair as in putih melepak...pffttt~ Kurang iron rupenye. Haha...parents perasaan. He's a bit picky when it comes to food I guess. Whenever we eat, he takes little rice/carbs but always go for the lauks instead like ayam or udang. I'm not that worried because ade protein but have to see what the doc says la. Ooohh..and he just loves mushroom which will remind me of my close friend back in uni, Fad (mushroom lover and owner of Zawara) who'll be getting married this weekend. Yeayyy! are some old photos of Aqil in my phone buat pengubat rindu (macam jauh mana je nak rindu-rinduan ni..huhu).
Penat after outing 2 orang je @OU. Rase macam quite an achievement.....selalu ade H sekali. Aqil penat.....Mama die lagi penat :p (Feb 2012) |
(Feb 2012) @Ikea He just loves them mini trolleys. Perasaan besar. |
Friday, June 8, 2012
Anger Management
Anger -> Mad -> Madness -> Crayyy-zeehh!!
The meaning of Anger = The feeling one has toward something or someone that hurts, opposes, offends, or annoys; strong displeasure.
A while ago I snapped at Aqil. I was very tired, mentally and physically and Aqil was really testing me. He wanted attention I guess but I just wanted a moment to myself. Only a moment..tak sampai 1 minute. It was near his bedtime and I guess he wanted to sleep and needed my comfort. Because he was pestering me on and on and on...I quickly snapped at him. He cried and looked at me with those big innocent eyes. He kept on crying while I did my thing (I just needed a minute to finish my drink) and ignored him. I was tired..have a lot of problems on my mind and then this..oh COME ON!!
H then came into the kitchen and consoled him but he kept on crying. H told me to put myself in his shoes. All he wanted was just my attention. Sometimes I feel like splitting myself up and cloning myself. One copy of me could tend to Aqil, another copy would cook and do the household chores, another one would be by hubby's side, one would just relax and rest and do her own thing and then have a few copies for backup. How I wish la kan. But is not like that. I felt guilty for snapping up at Aqil. I know it's not his fault. He just wanted me to put him to sleep but at that time the timing was not right. Having a child, sometimes you have to adjust your clock to your child's needs but at the same time, you want/need to tend to your own needs aswell. Even though Aqil is a big boy now, he sometimes don't know the meaning of 'sekejap'. He knows the meaning of 'sekejap' I guess because he sometimes uses it when he's doing something and wants me to wait...but I guess when he wants something, he just can't wait. I guess it's a kids thing..kot? Entahla..I dunno.
Aqil muka nakal |
Anyway, back to the story..after like moments of snapping up at Aqil, I felt this huge guilt. "Apesal laa itu pon nak marah Aqil?" What kind of mom am I? Haiihh. I quickly hugged him, kissed him, consoled him and said I was sorry. I laid down next to him and teman him watch Upin and Ipin while he drank his milk. After a while he fell asleep. It's not like he's asking for much but that time tu something just took over me and I lost it..I just snapped. Contoh that anger can lead to madness. Huhu.
I once read a link on a Facebook post on anger and Islam and it really struck a chord inside of me. Tried to recall and find it back but to no avail. Lupa dah siapa yang post. Huhu. Anyway..from what I remember..the article said, according to Islam = Anger is a destructive fire!! It is soo very true.
I tried googling about anger and Islam hoping to find the article but still tak jumpe.'s bits and pieces from a few articles that I Mr Google managed to conjure up.
A man said to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, "Advise me." The Prophet said, "Do not get angry." He repeated his request several times and the Prophet said again and again, "Do not get angry." - (Al-Bukhari)
Imagine that! A man came to ask the Prohet (pbuh) for some advice, and despite asking him a few times, the Prophet still sticks to one, single, solo and only advice, which was: DO NOT GET ANGRY. Haiihh. I never did know that anger is like the root of all evils. Tak tau pon anger issues ni is a serious thing in Islam. No wonder Islam asks us to be patient kan?
Sabar itu separuh daripada Iman.
All this while I thought what it meant was that if ada orang buat kita kene bersabar and be the bigger/better person. But here, I think it means that instead of giving in to anger kite kene bersabar..because if tak bersabar something else will take us the fire inside of us or something like that la. Apelaa I ni. Dah 27years baru see it in that light.
- Anger is a secret weapon of man towards evil, but sometimes it results in the destruction of many noble qualities.
- It snatches away the wisdom of man and thus he becomes a brute beast devoid of any sense.
- Anger is a temptation and deception of Syaitan.
- Anger is the root of all evils.
- Anger is a very bad condition that weakens the person's Iman.
Anger is destructive emotion, as a fire which destroys our well being, consumes our good actions, repels our friends and dear ones, frightens our children and forces the angels to report bad actions for the Heavenly Records.
We all have them inside of us. Some more than others.
Some quick to anger and quick to cool down, while others slow to anger and slow to cool down.
Which one are you?
Sometimes I feel like I have serious anger management issues. I am quick to get angry and not that quick to cool down. Not a good combo I know. Sometimes even the tiniest of things can irk me. I really hope I can change that about myself. Only closed ones have seen that side of me. My family and dear hubby..and I guess Aqil. I can become the hulk and I am not proud of that. Orang melayu kata panas baran. Huhu. I guess I get that from my Mom's side..keturunan Bugis...maybe?
"Anger comes from the devil, the devil was created of fire, and fire is extinguished only with water; so when one of you becomes angry, he should perform ablution." - (Abu Daud)
Huhu. Anger ni rupenye sifat yang datangnye dari Syaitan. Tak bagus sungguh. No wonder people say if you get angry pergi cepat-cepat ambil wudhuk. Some even say minum air dulu. Ade jugak yang cakap if tengah marah berdiri then you should sit down, if still angry then lie down.
Thomas Jefferson's suggestion is: When angry, count to ten before you speak; if very angry a hundred.
Haiihh. I guess istighfar also works right. And reading about breathing techniques in pregnancy, I guess that could also be applied here. Deep breaths through your nose and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Huhu. I am soo not proud for not being able to tackle this anger management thingy. What hurts the most is that when I get angry sometimes I say things that I don't mean to and then hurt the ones I love most. You cannot take back what you say and then people will remember it like forever and ever. Huhu.
I'm sorry. I know I'm not perfect. I have so many flaws.
Mama sorry Aqil. Mama tak marah Aqil. Mama try to be cool ye. Mama sayang Aqil OK~
My heroes!! ♥ |
I'm sorry H. I know I hurt you a lot when I get angry. I admire your coolness and patience. Sometimes I'm afraid if I'm testing and pushing you too much. Thank you for putting up with me all these while. You make me want to be a better person. I love you.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ |
Mood: Reflecting on life and bermuhasabbah diri pagi-pagi buta ini di kala tak boleh melelapkan mata. A lengthy post but writing this as a reminder to myself to be a better person/mom/wife/daughter/sister/Muslim InshaAllah. Ameen~
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
36 weeks
Alhamdulillah, I'm in my 36 weeks of pregnancy now and didn't pop out too soon. Been having pains in the suprapubic area and fatigue and mild contractions since coming back from Kuching haritu. Takut sangat kena deliver early and baby preemie. Huhu. Next week inshaAllah baru fullterm. Went for a checkup with Dr Ariza in my 34th week. Doc said the baby quite big and dah engaged dah. No wonder I rase saket kat bawah and not tummy area dah. Sometimes nak jalan pon susah. No wonder people sometimes say that its like you have a bowling ball between your legs. Try walking like that. Dulu to make myself feel good..konon-konon I was sashaying not walking..ala-ala princess gitu. But now..sad to say, I'm waddling like a duck. Huhu. Doc says baby pon macam dah fullterm baby because he's 2.6kg. This Wednesday will go for my 36th week checkup. I wonder what will be new. Hope the baby isn't that big. I've been praying hard that this time I can go for normal delivery. Please make doa for me :)
It's true when people say that every pregnancy is different. Dulu mase Aqil I takdela rase macam ni. Dulu I can't even feel Aqil moving inside my tummy. This time around the baby wiggles and squiggles and kicks and nudges and jabs like there's no tomorrow. I should be grateful that its a sign that he's an active one :)
I also noticed with this pregnancy is that I have stretch marks. Huhu. Because I'm putting on weight more than I should, my skin has been expanding rapidly and I'm seeing stretchmarks on my tummy and thighs. Not a pretty sight. Sedeynye. Dulu with Aqil I didn't get stretchmarks at all and thought apesal la yang people fuss about it sangat. NOW I know la kan. Huhu. Dulu I had a case of PUPPS (puritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy) because I was carrying a boy, the male fetal DNA acts as a skin irritant. I was referred to see a dermatologist Dr Biduwiyah, she gave me creams and piriton for the itchiness. The itchiness will only go away after I deliver..orang Melayu says its pembawaan budak. Alhamdulillah this time around I don't have the symptoms. Anyway, I got to work from home because of that so yeayy. Hehe. PUPPS will eventually disappear after delivery but stretchmarks? Aiyaa~ I have been slathering Bio Oil for some time but its still there. Kene rajin sapu lagi for a few months kot. Let see if it helps.
I also noticed with this pregnancy is that I have stretch marks. Huhu. Because I'm putting on weight more than I should, my skin has been expanding rapidly and I'm seeing stretchmarks on my tummy and thighs. Not a pretty sight. Sedeynye. Dulu with Aqil I didn't get stretchmarks at all and thought apesal la yang people fuss about it sangat. NOW I know la kan. Huhu. Dulu I had a case of PUPPS (puritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy) because I was carrying a boy, the male fetal DNA acts as a skin irritant. I was referred to see a dermatologist Dr Biduwiyah, she gave me creams and piriton for the itchiness. The itchiness will only go away after I deliver..orang Melayu says its pembawaan budak. Alhamdulillah this time around I don't have the symptoms. Anyway, I got to work from home because of that so yeayy. Hehe. PUPPS will eventually disappear after delivery but stretchmarks? Aiyaa~ I have been slathering Bio Oil for some time but its still there. Kene rajin sapu lagi for a few months kot. Let see if it helps.
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Bought the biggest size available. Huhu. |
Another thing I noticed is that I will get tired easily. I think it's the fact that I'm humongous now. I feel like a whale or an elephant. Huhu. Nak jalan from OU old wing to new wing pon penat. Nak turun rumah going to the car pon is hassle. It's not like I'm short of breath ke ape..well sometimes if I rush and don't take my time but it's the feeling yang the baby sangat berat and macam nak jatuh you have to hold your tummy in order to support it. Kalau tak pegang perut macam baby akan terkeluar je. Huhu. Didn't experience it last time with Aqil. Maybe because after I delivered Aqil I didn't quite get back to my pre-pregnancy weight kot. Haisyhh. Nanti ni gotta work hard to cut down the kilos. The fact that I have Aqil to tend to also makes me tired easily kot. It's no easy feat tending to a 2 year old. Alhamdulillah I have hubby who helps out a lot with Aqil. He bathes Aqil, changes his diapers, sends and picks him up from nursery, plays with him at home, go to the park together and even go out for breakfast just the two of them whenever I need my rest or need to sleep in. I am so thankful but sometimes I don't think I show my appreciation enough. Being hormonal because of the pregnancy (or not) sometimes I expect more out of him. But I guess he's doing his best and has been a great help. I je yang nak lebey-lebey. Most wives macam tu ke ek? Or is it just me? Huhu. Love you H~ :)
Starting this week I've been a night owl. I can't sleep at night. I'll sleep from 11 or 12 at night and then wake up at 3 something in the morning. Golek-golek balek but still cannot sleep back. Huhu. Dahla nak find a good and comfy position nak tido tu susah. Huhu. it's become a routine. Whenever I wake up in the wee hours of the morning, I dah tak try dah to sleep balek. In a way, bagus la jugak I dikejutkan untuk bangun and solat apa-apa yang patut. Since I'm not working ni, after Aqil and H has gone to work baru I sambung tido balek sampaila ke tengahari. Hehe. Works well for me now...but don't know la macam mane nanti once the baby comes :p
Aqil watching his bedtime story on Youtube. Upin Ipin's Penggembala and Biri-biri. A must watch! |
Upin Ipin Penggembala dan Biri-biri. Love the lyrics. Creative! Cerita The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Baby Stuff
Since this is my second pregnancy, I didn't think that I needed much stuff for the baby. I still have loads of Aqil's stuff and since its a boy..lagila tak banyak bende nak beli. I have the essentials so only need to topup here and there like new towels, some blankets and a bit of baby clothes la kalau nak pon kan. But boy was I wrong. Bile shop for the baby, "Owh..this is too cute to ignore" (BUY) and then tengok-tengok jugak baju or stuff for Aqil. So in the end I ended up buying double the stuff and amount that I intended to buy. Yelaa..kate dah nak ade 2 anak kan. Huhu. I dari dulu sedikit susah untuk control my spending habit. Soo not good. Haiihh.
Went to Mothercare sales last weekend but was disappointed a bit. The discounts were not as anticipated. Nanti nak kirim Angah la. Hehe. Dalam banyak-banyak material baju, I like Mothercare punye bodysuits the best. So lembut and comfortable and tahan lama. Carter's, BabyGap and PumpkinPatch to me pon cannot lawan. But the downside is Mothercare punye designs are not as pretty, just simple and banyak whites. I don't like whites sebab lama-lama can become discolored. Huhu. Bought jugak some bodysuits and soft shoes there. Got a good deal on Aden and Anais swaddle blankets. Been eyeing them for sometime. Cheapest jumpe at OneBabyWorld. But ni, dapat 40% off plus additional 10% because I bought during the VIP sales.
Bought also some stuff from Mom's Care Bargain Corner at OU last week..for Aqil and the baby. Some stuff at Isetan, Cotton On, OneBabyWorld and Fabulous Mom (I stocked up on their sleeping bra..just lovelovelove them). Even bought some raya clothes for Aqil because now cuti sekolah so the sale is on baby! Lari budget sikit because ingatkan nak shop for the baby je. Malas nak pegi banyak-banyak kedai. Itu pon beli barang last-last minute. Dulu masa first time mom dah siap beli awal-awal dah. Haha. Semangat. Ni pon kononnye tak nak beli banyak but last-last banyak jugak. I guess because I beli semua at one go kot tu yang rase banyak. Anyway, being pregnant has its perks I guess..the excuse to shop!! :p
There was a baby fair or expo also going on last weekend at PWTC. Being me, I am not too keen on going to fairs or expos. I hate the crowd plus sometimes dapat berape ringgit je off. Sometimes tu kadang-kadang teringin la jugak pegi kan because dengar orang cerita mcm best je bargain die. But then bile fikir-fikir of the crowd, queue and sometimes barang tu habes out of stock ke..jadi kurang bersemangat. Or maybe its me yang tak pandai nak find the right time to pegi kot. Kenela pegi awal, first day and know what you're aiming for right? Haiih.
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