
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How I Met Your Father (Part 2)


They had a canopy outside their front yard and invited us to sit down and eat. As it was the second house, we arrived quite late and there were not much guests around. Everything pon macam dah nak kemas-kemas.  We got acquainted with Dalila's mom and had small talk for a while. It seemed that my name is the same as Dalila's first sister plus we went to the same uni together. Of course she has graduated by then but then it turns out that all of her family went to UIA. Anyway, as we were talking all of a sudden along came this tall guy who apparently was Dalila's brother. He wore a black shirt and smiled a lot. Quite smart I must say. He came bringing the plates. He invited us to eat and from what I remembered  most was he introduced himself using his full in Ahmad Zulhilmi bin Assanah. Haha. A bit skema as I never met anyone who introduced himself using his fullname like that. Anyway..that was that...only a brief encounter. We got back to eating and my sister and friends got talking as I listened in.

At this time, people were already gathering inside the house to baca Yassin and we were like the only few ones outside. I did a quick sweep and saw the brother inside the house too. Haha. Anyway, after they finished we also excused ourselves. Salam-salam sikit dengan semua orang..tengok baby sikit and then walked back to the car. Dalila walked us to the car and then the brother came along. Die pon nak babai-babai rupenye. Before we got in the car, he asked for my number. Apekah? I don't know how people get people's phone numbers but so direct macam ni ke? Macam kind of sleazy pon ade jugak. So I pon tak layan and tak bagi but he wouldn't give up. Angah and her friends dah pandang-pandang semacam. Eeeee~ So because I wouldn't give him my number he gave me his business card. So I pon took it and just wanted to speed off quickly as I can. So that was that. In the car Angah dah gelak-gelak dah and I was like..."Eeee u ni. Manela I nak bagi number I kat siape-siape macamtu je." Huhu. So then we sent Angah's friend back to Subang and then went back home.

That night...jengjengjeng...I kept on playing the scene petang tadi inside my head. Macam I tak boleh nak get  it out of my head. Dalam hati macam nak bagi je number tapi takkanla nak bagi je macamtu. So while I was rolling around in bed with the laptop in front of me sambil belek-belek his biz card after relating the whole ordeal to Faiz I decided that I would email him. Haha. That was the time that I felt something that was indescribable. Something at the back of my mind that made me want to act because by not doing anything I would know that I would regret it. Like a "Now or Never" feeling you know. Seriously. Why I felt like that pon I don't know. Maybe ini lah yang dikatakan jodoh :p

So anyway, I sent him an email. Reading back the email rasa macam entah apa-apa je. Haha. Here's the attachment where I attached him my so-called-biz-card. Lame I know. Huhu.

To be continued.....

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