I have been regularly updating my blog on my pregnancy almost every week now. Nampak sangat takde kerje. Huhu. Anyway..went for weekly checkup with Dr Ariza and jengjengjeng...the baby is now 3.8kg. Besar woo!~ Since I've been trying to go for normal delivery, doctor advised me to be induced since I don't have the signs for labour yet takot the baby will get biggie by the day. Ooohh...takot ok. Kesakitan mase kene induce dulu terngiang-ngiang di kepale. Huhu. Anyway, before that doctor suruh buat MRI for pelvic scan to see if my pelvic bone is suitable to have vaginal birth after caesarian (VBAC).
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MRI scanner machine @ tunnel machine thingy |
My first experience buat MRI scan. I was a bit nervous. I always see in movies where claustrophobic people takot nak kne buat MRI scan kene masuk keluar balek and redo the scan. I consider myself as quite berani la jugak (ehem :p) in matters like these. Alhamdulillah I don't have a fear for heights or confined spaces..but horror movies ke or when it comes to hantu-hantus....I lemah sikit. Huhu. Anyway..at first I thought as they were only going to scan the pelvic area...I don't need to masuk yang machine macam tunnel tu. I saw on TV that there's also another machine yang macam donut...only a ring je..to do scans and stuff. I thought I was going to have that one done on me. But tettt..wrong. I get to go into the tunnel machine thingy. Bile cerita kat Angah baru tau yang the donut machine tu CT scan rupenye. Hohoh. MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging and is apparently not harmful for the baby. Nak tau difference between MRI and CT please click here. I just browsed je bace sikit..malas nak amek tau sangat :p
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CT scan @ donut machine |
Mase nak masuk to I have to tanggal all metal pieces..brooches..watch and stuff. Naseb baek I don't have any metal pieces on my clothing. So then I had to lie down as in baring terlantar. Being heavily pregnant ni, dah lame I tak baring macam tu on my back. Sakit belakang la kan. I asked the nurse/attendant will it take long and she said around 30min and that I cannot gerak-gerak sangat. If possible limit my movements la while in there or else nanti cannot get good image. Dalam hati..."30mins? Lamenyee~ Boleh ke tak gerak-gerak? Dengan saket belakangnye lagi nanti. Habeslaaa~" Anyway, she was nice and help propped some pillows for my back because she saw I was not comfortable. Later, she pasangkan headphones and even asked which radio station I wanted to listen to because she said the machine will be kind of noisy. I said FlyFM and even asked her if I could sleep or not in there. She said if I sleep all the better. Haha.
So then the stretcher/bed thingy pon started to gerak-gerak masuk dalam tunnel tu. I was bracing myself for 30mins of uncomfortableness. Once my whole body dah masuk inside the tunnel thingy tu...startla bunyi-bunyi bising...tet tet..tung tung...dong dong..beep beep..and segala macam la bunyi. I couldn't get to quite hear the radio over that noise. So there I was, staring at the (tunnel) ceiling takot if suddenly I become claustrophobic ke apa and tengah fikir kalau nak keluar macam mana..the attendant tadi takde bagi panic button to press if I wanted to get out. Huhu. I forgot to ask tadi. I let my thoughts drift and was just trying to get myself to close my eyes and maybe take a nap when suddenly the stretcher/bed tu pon started to move keluar. Dalam hati..I was like "Alamak...tergerak banyak ke tadi? Rase tak sampai 5mins pon." When I saw the attendant she said "All done." I told her "Eh..done already? I thought you said 30mins. But 5mins pon tak sampai kan?" And then she said "15seconds je sebenanye nak mapping image." And I was like laaa...buat penat je nak cuak-cuak tadi nak brace myself for 30mins staying motionless. Haha.
So that was my MRI experience. A bit jakun la jugak. The results: my pelvic is OK. Cukup luas. Can go for normal delivery. My next appointment is next Monday. Let's see how it goes. If baby OK and tak besar sangat..I'll be induced by next week. If baby is big..have to go for elective c-section. InshaAllah...by next week...baby dah pon keluar..maybe by Tues or Wed. At the back of my mind I was secretly kind of hoping that I would have to go for caesar because pelvic tak compatible ke ape. Takot nak rase saket but at the same time ade hati try deliver normal. Huhu. But Allah knows best. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan bersalin. Ameen~
Harga MRI scan (pelvic) at Ampang Puteri costs RM200. I thought it would be quite pricey since I heard from my mom, her friend buat ranging from RM400-RM800 kat tempat lain. Alhamdulillah tak mahal sangat. Dahla semua kena bayar sendiri. Huhu. Thought I would like to share this experience with anyone yang google about MRI scan because I know I have and I didn't find much info. Please excuse the terms used here...aka..donut machine and tunnel machine thingy...I'm not a medic student :p Any doctors..person with medical background sure gelak bace entry ni kan? Huuhuu~
i was googling on how much a MRI would cost and stumbled onto your blog. gynae u pun dr. ariza from ampang puteri ke? if so, we have the same gynae and the same situation :) haha. i'm 37 weeks pregnant and doc. kata kena buat MRI cz baby x nak engage lagi :) your post helped me a lot. jazakilLah :)
glad to know my entry helped :) n yep..my gynae is dr ariza. read your blog a bit. love them cute smileys btw~ :p anyway..hope everything turns out well for you and baby inshaAllah~
haha. thanks :) insyaAllah. will be meeting dr. ariza again tmrw. hope everything goes well :)
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