
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Baby Stuff

Since this is my second pregnancy, I didn't think that I needed much stuff for the baby. I still have loads of Aqil's stuff and since its a boy..lagila tak banyak bende nak beli. I have the essentials so only need to topup here and there like new towels, some blankets and a bit of baby clothes la kalau nak pon kan. But boy was I wrong. Bile shop for the baby, "Owh..this is too cute to ignore" (BUY) and then tengok-tengok jugak baju or stuff for Aqil. So in the end I ended up buying double the stuff and amount that I intended to buy. Yelaa..kate dah nak ade 2 anak kan. Huhu. I dari dulu sedikit susah untuk control my spending habit. Soo not good. Haiihh.

Went to Mothercare sales last weekend but was disappointed a bit. The discounts were not as anticipated. Nanti  nak kirim Angah la. Hehe. Dalam banyak-banyak material baju, I like Mothercare punye bodysuits the best. So lembut and comfortable and tahan lama. Carter's, BabyGap and PumpkinPatch to me pon cannot lawan. But the downside is Mothercare punye designs are not as pretty, just simple and banyak whites. I don't like whites sebab lama-lama can become discolored. Huhu. Bought jugak some bodysuits and soft shoes there. Got a good deal on Aden and Anais swaddle blankets. Been eyeing them for sometime. Cheapest jumpe at OneBabyWorld. But ni, dapat 40% off plus additional 10% because I bought during the VIP sales.

Bought also some stuff from Mom's Care Bargain Corner at OU last week..for Aqil and the baby. Some stuff at Isetan, Cotton On, OneBabyWorld and Fabulous Mom (I stocked up on their sleeping bra..just lovelovelove them). Even bought some raya clothes for Aqil because now cuti sekolah so the sale is on baby! Lari budget sikit because ingatkan nak shop for the baby je. Malas nak pegi banyak-banyak kedai. Itu pon beli barang last-last minute. Dulu masa first time mom dah siap beli awal-awal dah. Haha. Semangat. Ni pon kononnye tak nak beli banyak but last-last banyak jugak. I guess because I beli semua at one go kot tu yang rase banyak. Anyway, being pregnant has its perks I guess..the excuse to shop!! :p

There was a baby fair or expo also going on last weekend at PWTC. Being me, I am not too keen on going to fairs or expos. I hate the crowd plus sometimes dapat berape ringgit je off. Sometimes tu kadang-kadang teringin la jugak pegi kan because dengar orang cerita mcm best je bargain die. But then bile fikir-fikir of the crowd, queue and sometimes barang tu habes out of stock ke..jadi kurang bersemangat. Or maybe its me yang tak pandai nak find the right time to pegi kot. Kenela pegi awal, first day and know what you're aiming for right? Haiih.

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